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Today the Angular team announced the beta release of the AngularDart framework, their port of Angular to Dart.
AngularDart is heavily inspired by AngularJS and is supercharged for Dart. Core Angular features such as directives, data binding, and dependency injection, are all there, and they've taken advantage of Dart's features like metadata, types, and classes to feel natural for Dart developers. AngularDart is also the first version of Angular to be built on emerging web standards like Shadow DOM.
To ensure that AngularDart would be usable out of the box, they partnered with another team inside Google to build a real application. This team, code named Green Tea, was tasked with creating the sales force automation application for Google's sales teams. The Green Tea team reported great success in shipping their first version with AngularDart, built from scratch and delivered in under six months.
The Angular team is committed to maintaining AngularDart and pushing forward to a 1.0 release and beyond. For full details on this release, v0.9.0 code-named "static animation", see the changelog.
The Angular team invites you to follow the AngularDart Tutorial, browse the API Docs, join the discussion on the AngularDart mailing list, and get the code from Dart's package manager. We can't wait to see what you'll build!