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Flutter IntelliJ plugin v19: Fit and Finish

IntelliJ EAP support

This month’s release now supports the public preview release of Intellij 2017.3. With this release, you’ll get a new version of the Dart plugin. That release includes features to help you better navigate and understand large build() methods, including things like showing synthetic text ‘closing labels’ at the end of nested constructors.

Android Studio support improvements

We’ve continued to work on our Android Studio integration (first available in the last month’s release). The fixes and improvements here include:

  • fixes to the language selector in the project wizard
  • fixes to the label on the project location directory picker
  • showing when a valid path is entered in the SDK field of the project wizard
  • displaying a warning when installing the plugin into canary builds of Android Studio 3.1
  • minor UI tweaks, like using consistent punctuation

Fit and Finish

We’ve also polished the plugin generally, and closed out many issues in:

  • the hot reload integration and reload on save feature
  • the support for running Flutter unit tests
  • the new project wizard and the getting started experience, and
  • ensuring that Flutter-specific features aren’t exposed in non-Flutter (regular Dart) projects