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Would you like to try out Dart’s upcoming support for enums? In Dart Editor under Tools > Preferences > Experimental you can “Enable Enums Support” and start experimenting with code like: With Dart 1.8, a number of library improvements have also landed. In dart:collection, SplayTree added toSet() method, and in dart:convert a JsonUtf8Encoder class was added. In dart:core, the following three things were added: New properties and constructors for RangeError A new IndexError class - used by the RangeError.index constructor Optional start and end arguments for the String.fromCharCodes constructor. In dart:io we added support for the ALPN extension of the TLS secure networking protocol for Client and Server. For a summary of these and others changes see the release notes . You can download Dart 1.8 from the Download Dart page . If you are running the Dart Editor, you can update by checking "About Dart Editor". Check out the Dart support page f...