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Posted by Kathy Walrath
Version 0.07 of the Dart language spec is now available.
Changes include:
Version 0.07 of the Dart language spec is now available.
Changes include:
- 5: Top level variable initializers must be constant.
- 7: Added abstract modifier to grammar.
- 7, 7.6, 7.7, 10.13.3,10.28: Superclass static members are not in scope in subclasses, and do not conflict with subclass members.
- 7.1.2: []= must return void. Operator call added to support function emulation. Removed operator >>>. Made explicit restriction on methods named call or negate.
- 10.1: Added !e as constant expression. Clarified what happens if evaluation of a constant fails.
- 10.7: Map keys need not be constants. However, they are always string literals.
- 10.9: State restrictions on use of this.
- 10.10, 10.10.1: Rules for bounds checking of constructor arguments when calling default constructors for interfaces refined.
- 10.14.1: Revised semantics to account for function emulation.
- 10.14.2: Revised semantics to account for function emulation.
- 10.14.3: Factory constructors cannot contain super invocations. Revised semantics to account for function emulation.
- 10.16: Specified assignment involving []= operator.
- 10.16.1: Removed operator >>>.
- 10.22: Removed operator >>>.
- 10.26: Postfix -- operator specified. Behavior of postfix operations on subscripted expressions specified.
- 10.28: Added built-in identifier call. Banned use of built-in identifiers as types made other uses warnings.
- 10.29: Moved specification of test that type arguments match generic type to 13.2.
- 11.8: Corrected evaluation of case clauses so that case expression is the receiver of ==. Revised specification to correctly deal with blank statements in case clauses.
- 11.15: Fixed bug in assert specification that could lead to puzzlers.
- 13.2: Consolidated definition of malformed types.
- 13.5: Revised semantics to account for function emulation.