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Dart Editor has a new build. Eric Clayberg fills us in on the details:

A new Dart Editor build is available at Ch anges include:
Breaking Change List:
- Cleanup for => onClick.listen changes.
- New application wizards updated for library changes.
- Bug fix for debugging Dartium launches on Windows machines using IPv6.
- dart2js: temporarily remove --disable-unsafe-eval ***
- dart:html
- Web SQL APIs have moved into dart:web_sql, Database was renamed to SqlDatabase
- Geolocation API has been cleaned up w/ futures & streams.
- dart:io
- Version 2 of the dart:io library moving to using streams and futures extensively for all async operations instead for registration of callbacks.
- libraries:
- BiDirectionalIterator -> BidirectionalIterator
*** Note that as a result this version does not support for developing Chrome Applications. If you're using that feature, you should stick with the M3 release for now. ***