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The Dart team received a lot of great feedback from the community in response to our various Dart presentations at Google I/O . We asked Lars Bak and Kasper Lund, Dart project co-founders, to help answer your questions. Here's what they shared. Enjoy! Q01: Are there any plans for to use Dart as an alternative or replacement to Java for Android app development (native APK apps)? James Wendel, United States A01: The current focus for Dart is web applications. Your best bet is to talk to the Android team about this. Q02: In some benchmarks the DartVM is now outperforming the JVM. Do you you think it will be possible for the DartVM to outperform the JVM for most code? Are there specific areas where the JVM's design will allow it to perform better than the DartVM? Greg, Wellingtron A02: For programs like numeric computations Java will always have a performance advantage over the Dart VM. The reason is that Dart code is dynamically typed whereas Java has built-in basi