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Since last week's update we've been able to make progress on a number of fronts.
In the language specification, type cast construct has been specified, static methods and top level functions are now compile time constants. Also, we're publishing the 0.10 spec draft.
In the VM we've landed further improvements to old-generation growth policy to limit growth of the heap. There are new compiler implementations for both ia32 and x64. We started implementing optimization phases in the new compiler and made further debugger improvements, starting to break on exception throws.
In the Dart to JavaScript Compiler, we improved the generated code for switches on ints and strings and simplified and shrunk the generated code for string interpolations. We now use JavaScript && and || to implement Dart && and || where possible and use += and ++ in the generated code where it makes sense. We're able to hoist accessing final fields out of loops and landed lots of bug fixes.
In the Dartium, we fixed a severe bug with overloaded methods and optional arguments and lots of other bugs in addition to that. Moreover, transferables in messages are now supported.
In the Editor, the command-line debugger is now enabled: Debug your server apps! Debug dart2js! We also fixed 15+ static analysis issues, some Searchbox issues and included bigger stepping granularity in debugging; one step now equals one source line. Moreover, when re-launching your app, we now re-cycle the Dartium instance when possible, instead of always killing the process and restarting Dartium. Dart2js is now the default (and only) Dart-to-Javascript compiler in the editor.
In terms of library work, i18n interfaces were created for String and Date and we landed new expectation classes in lib/unittest. We also added UTF, URI, JSON, and Crypto to the Library Tour.
Enjoy this 3 min video intro to Pub, the package manager for Dart.