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Posted by Kasper Lund We're very close to being able to turn off the support for the old try-catch syntax. Early next week attempts to use the old syntax will lead to compile-time errors. The new syntax already works today so now would be a fantastic time to update your code. The old syntax like: try { ... } catch (var e) { ... } try { ... } catch (final e) { ... } try { ... } catch (T e) { ... } try { ... } catch (final T e) { ... } translates to new syntax like this: try { ... } catch (e) { ... } try { ... } catch (e) { ... } try { ... } on T catch (e) { ... } try { ... } on T catch (e) { ... } and the local variable introduced to hold the reference to the caught exception (e) is implicitly final in all cases. Why did we make this change? The M1 Updates article explains it best.