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Better performance, more features, and improved tools mark the 1.1 release of Dart. Just two months after the 1.0 release, this new release delivers a set of compatible updates that makes applications easier to develop and faster for end users.

Dart’s Javascript output continues to shine. Performance on the Richards benchmark is 25% better than the first release, making runtime comparable to the original JavaScript. Performance of the newest benchmark, FluidMotion, has doubled since November. Dart2js now generates Javascript that performs as well as, if not better than, the idiomatic Javascript equivalent.
While there’s a lot of focus on Dart for browser applications, there is also growing interest in Dart for server solutions. This release provides a number of enhancements for server-side Dart, including support for large files, file copying, process signal handlers, and terminal information. New in this release is support for UDP, which, for example, allows developers to write more efficient media streaming apps.
The Dart Editor has added a number of features to increase productivity. Developers will find improved debugging, better code completion, and more descriptive tooltips. Overall performance of the Editor and the analyzer has also improved.
Take a look at the updated Dart language spec. You may also be interested in new articles on command-line applications, Dart-Javascript interoperability, and Streams.
We’re excited about the new features now available in Dart 1.1. Tell us what you build with Dart in our Google+ community and let us know if you have any issues or feature requests.
Dart’s Javascript output continues to shine. Performance on the Richards benchmark is 25% better than the first release, making runtime comparable to the original JavaScript. Performance of the newest benchmark, FluidMotion, has doubled since November. Dart2js now generates Javascript that performs as well as, if not better than, the idiomatic Javascript equivalent.
While there’s a lot of focus on Dart for browser applications, there is also growing interest in Dart for server solutions. This release provides a number of enhancements for server-side Dart, including support for large files, file copying, process signal handlers, and terminal information. New in this release is support for UDP, which, for example, allows developers to write more efficient media streaming apps.
The Dart Editor has added a number of features to increase productivity. Developers will find improved debugging, better code completion, and more descriptive tooltips. Overall performance of the Editor and the analyzer has also improved.
Take a look at the updated Dart language spec. You may also be interested in new articles on command-line applications, Dart-Javascript interoperability, and Streams.
We’re excited about the new features now available in Dart 1.1. Tell us what you build with Dart in our Google+ community and let us know if you have any issues or feature requests.