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The Dart team published new docs and samples showing how to write command-line and server-side apps with Dart. The Dart VM's dart:io library provides access to files, directories, sockets, web sockets, SSL, TCP, UDP, HTTP, and more. Community packages on provide higher-level frameworks and libraries.
The Command-Line Apps for Dart Programmer's Guide starts to collect resources for the new server-side and command-line Dart app developers. You'll find links to samples, API docs, community projects, tutorials, and more.
The new Command-Line Apps in Dart tutorial teaches you how to build command-line apps. Learn how to use stdin/stdout, command-line arguments, files and directories, and more.
For an in-depth look at how a Dart-based HTTP and Web sockets server is written, check out Walkthrough: Dartiverse Search. This chapter from Dart Up & Running shows how Dart is used for both the client and the server. Bonus: learn how you can connect to Github's API using Dart.
If you love to read code, check out the more than 40 samples and examples for server-side and command-line Dart apps. The new Dart By Example resource showcases mini-examples for files, directories, HTTP clients, HTTP servers, sockets, processes, paths, and much more.
If you'd like to see a specific tutorial written, please file a request at If you have questions, please ask on StackOverflow.

The Command-Line Apps for Dart Programmer's Guide starts to collect resources for the new server-side and command-line Dart app developers. You'll find links to samples, API docs, community projects, tutorials, and more.
The new Command-Line Apps in Dart tutorial teaches you how to build command-line apps. Learn how to use stdin/stdout, command-line arguments, files and directories, and more.
For an in-depth look at how a Dart-based HTTP and Web sockets server is written, check out Walkthrough: Dartiverse Search. This chapter from Dart Up & Running shows how Dart is used for both the client and the server. Bonus: learn how you can connect to Github's API using Dart.
If you love to read code, check out the more than 40 samples and examples for server-side and command-line Dart apps. The new Dart By Example resource showcases mini-examples for files, directories, HTTP clients, HTTP servers, sockets, processes, paths, and much more.
If you'd like to see a specific tutorial written, please file a request at If you have questions, please ask on StackOverflow.