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Dart Team's Weekly Digest

Posted by Anders Sandholm

Another action-packed week of events in Dart-land is passing by:
  • On the language front, we announced lazy initialization of statics. Moreover, initializing formals will use the declared type of the field by default.
  • In the VM, we removed the dependency on the OpenSSL library for big integer implementation, reduced memory overhead of loaded scripts by about 35% and landed some stability work and bug fixing.
  • In the editor, we transitioned from dartc libraries to libraries in dart-sdk/lib and worked on the new Files view and in Dartium, we did an initial pass over step into, step over and step out in the debugger.
  • New wrapperless html bindings checked in. Next step is activating these, which will cause the changes outline here. Isolates refactored, move into dart/lib/isolate in change 4647.
  • For dart:io, we added an http library making it easy to write web servers and clients. We also changed everything in dart:io (which was a lot of fun!):
    • Event names went from eventHandler to onEvent and
    • Single-shot methods now take their callback directly in the call. This has the advantage that it is clear in the API that there will be a callback and it makes it harder to use the API incorrectly. 
  • Puzzlers Chapter 2 was published, learn how Dart does with Strings, characters, and textual data and Hangout with Josh Bloch published, chatting about the Dart libraries.