If you’ve been using HTML5 for a while, you’ve probably seen HTML5 Rocks. However, it’s not always clear how to translate these samples into Dart. To fix this, we’ve started a new project called dart-html5-samples, where we’ve started porting the HTML5 Rocks samples.
We’ve already ported a bunch of tutorials such as:
- Reading Files in JavaScript Using the File APIs
- Native HTML5 Drag and Drop
- Exploring the Filesystem APIs
- HTML5 Video
- Getting Started with Web Audio API
- Introducing WebSockets: Bringing Sockets to the Web
- Using the Notifications API
- A Simple TODO list using HTML5 IndexedDB
- Leaner, Meaner, Faster Animations with requestAnimationFrame
Along the way, we’ve occasionally encountered bugs in Dart. By filing these bugs on dartbug.com, we’ve not only been transparent about the process, but we've given the community a chance to vote for the features they find important.
Although we’ve ported a lot of samples, many more remain. If you’d like to help out, this would be a great way to contribute to the Dart project! Just fork the project on GitHub, and send us a pull request. Make sure you submit a bug in the issue tracker with the tutorial you plan on porting, so that others will know you are working on it. Finally, make sure to take a look at the other examples to get a feel for how we’ve structured things.
As always, if you’d like to chat more about this, feel free to send us email on the mailing list or ask questions on Stack Overflow.
Happy Hacking!
Shannon -jj Behrens and Jason Brooks