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Today, Kasper Lund gave dartisans a head's up about an upcoming breaking change. Kasper writes:
We're getting rid of operator negate in favor of the unary operator -.
If you have code like this:
operator negate() => ...
now would be a great time to change that to:
operator -() => ...
I expect that we will turn off the support for negate within a few days.
Why make this change? We didn't want developers to see negate() and think they can actually call object.negate(). We hope -() makes it more obvious.
As always, you can join the discussion at the Dart mailing list or ask questions on Stack Overflow. Thanks for trying Dart!
We're getting rid of operator negate in favor of the unary operator -.
If you have code like this:
operator negate() => ...
now would be a great time to change that to:
operator -() => ...
I expect that we will turn off the support for negate within a few days.
Why make this change? We didn't want developers to see negate() and think they can actually call object.negate(). We hope -() makes it more obvious.
As always, you can join the discussion at the Dart mailing list or ask questions on Stack Overflow. Thanks for trying Dart!