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The Dart Team, in partnership with Marakana, launched "Dart Tips", a new series of quick video tutorials and introductions to the Dart language and libraries. Each episode in this series is approximately 5 minutes long, so you can watch them anytime. There are six episodes now, with more planned.
Seth Ladd, Dart developer advocate, tells us more:
Some topics include built-in types like strings and booleans, runtime modes, functions, and more. The first six videos are embedded below, or you can watch them all on Enjoy!
Thanks again to Marakana for filming and producing these videos!
As always, we invite you to join the discussion on the Dart mailing list, and ask us questions at Stack Overflow. Your feedback is important. Thanks for checking out Dart!

Seth Ladd, Dart developer advocate, tells us more:
"These short videos have very specific topics, which means it's easy to find examples and explanations for exactly the right topic you are searching for. Plus, as a bonus, we've published the full transcript below each video, for the times you want to read instead of watch."
Some topics include built-in types like strings and booleans, runtime modes, functions, and more. The first six videos are embedded below, or you can watch them all on Enjoy!
A simple Dart script
Runtime modes
Strings, numbers, and booleans
Functions are fun, pt 1
Thanks again to Marakana for filming and producing these videos!
As always, we invite you to join the discussion on the Dart mailing list, and ask us questions at Stack Overflow. Your feedback is important. Thanks for checking out Dart!