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As always, we invite you to join our Dart mailing list, ask questions on Stack Overflow, or file feature requests on new Dart Editor build is available at Changes include:
Breaking Change List:
- New forms based pubspec.yaml file editor! To see it, right click on a pubspec file and choose "Open with Pubspec Editor".
- New Class Hierarchy view.
- New Clean-up to add and remove local variables type annotations.
- Launches in non-Dartium browsers are now faster (we only invoke dart2js if the source has changed).
- If a build.dart script indicates to the Editor that it has remapped a file (foo.html ==> out/foo.html), and the user launches that file, we'll launch the generated file instead. For things like web_ui applications, this means fewer clicks for users and a simpler workflow.
- Added a preference to control automatically running Pub.
And as always, view the changelog for the full list of changes, and to get started with the Editor see our tutorial.
- dart:html changes
- All dart:html class names have been updated to follow the Dart naming guidelines. For example CSSStyleDeclaration is now CssStyleDeclaration.
- All indexed DB types (IDB*) have been moved to dart:indexed_db and had their prefix removed. For example, IDBTransaction is now Transaction (with the exception of IDBFactory which is IdbFactory).
- DOMApplicationCache and DOMFileSystem are now ApplicationCache and FileSystem