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Pub, a package manager for Dart, is now accepting uploads of new and updated packages. Developers can self-publish their Dart libraries to for other developers to use and enjoy.
Bob Nystrom sends the good news:

Bob Nystrom sends the good news:
As Anders' announcement email said, with M2 out the door, you can now publish packages yourself to
You'll need a Google account that you can use to authenticate. In theory, it's as simple as going into your package directory and running:
$ pub publish
It will walk you through the one-time authentication process, validate your package, and then you're good to go!
We've tested this as thoroughly as we could, but our experience has been that users in the wild have a much greater variety of machine, operating system, software, and account configurations than we can hope to test for.
Please be patient if you run into issues. File bugs and we'll do our best to sort them out as quickly as we can.
Also, if you've filed a package upload request that we haven't gotten yet (likely because we are waiting on more information from you), please consider yourself empowered to handle that on your own now. You hold the keys to the castle!Get started with pub by downloading the Dart SDK or Dart Editor. We look forward to your feedback!